Labeled Door (or Frame) - A door or frame that conforms to all the applicable requirements- in respect to fire resistance- of a nationally recognized testing authority and bears a label designating that fire rating.
Lally Column - A steel column.
Laminate - The process of, or a product made by, bonding together two or more layers of material or materials.
Landing - A stair platform.
Latchbolt - A lock component having a beveled end that projects from the lock front but may be forced back into the lock case by end pressure or drawn back by action of the lock mechanism. When the door is closed, the latchbolt projects into a hole provided in the strike, holding the door in a closed position.
Latch Retractor - In a cylindrical lock, the device that is activated by the spindle, and in turn, retracts the latchbolt.
Latch Unit - That portion of a cylindrical lock that fits into the edge of the door housing the latchbolt and latchtail. In a tubular lock, it also contains the retracting mechanism.
Lateral Movement - Movement toward the side, sideways.
Lath (Metal) - Sheet metal screening used as a base for plastering.
Lath (Wood) - Thin wood used to level a surface in preparation for plastering or composition tiles (also called "furring").
Lattice - Openwork made by crossed or interlaced strips of material.
Lavatory - A washbasin or room equipped with a washbasin.
Lead-Lined - A door, frame or lock designed for use in hospitals or other areas where there is a potential radiation hazard. The door or frame is lined with sheet lead. The lock is sheathed or lined with lead.
Leaf (of a hinge or butt) - One of the two movable plates which, when fastened together by the hinge pin, form a complete hinge.
Leaf (of a pair of doors) - One of the two doors forming a pair or a double door.
Lever Handle - A horizontal handle on a lockset or auxiliary lock.
Lip of Strike - The projecting part on which the latchbolt rides. It may be either a curved-lip or flat lip.
Lock Front - A plate fastened to the edge of a door through which the bolts pass.
Lock Rail (of a door) - The horizontal member of a door that receives the locking mechanism.
Lock Stile (of a door) - The vertical member of a door to which the lock is applied, as distinguished from the hinge stile.
Lockset - A complete lock or latch assembly, includes the lock or latch mechanism and trim (knobs, levers, handles, roses and escutcheons).
Loose Joint Hinge - A hinge having only two knuckles, to one of which the pin is fastened permanently, the other containing the pinhole, whereby the two parts of the hinge can easily be separated. These hinges are handed.
Loose Pin Hinge - A hinge having a removable pin to permit the two leaves of the hinge to be separated.
Lot Line - The limit of a lot.
Louver - A ventilating window covered by sloping slats to exclude rain.
Lubricity - Possessing an inherent lubrication.
Lumber - Wood that has been sawed, re-sawed, planed, crosscut or matched.
Magnetic Catch - A cupboard catch that uses a magnetized strike to hold the door closed.
Malleable - A term used to describe metals that can be hammered, pounded or pressed into various shapes.
Masonite - A hardboard trade name.
Masonry - Material such as stone, brick and block used by a mason.
Master Key (MK) - A key with baiting arranged to operate two or more locks of different changes in a group, each lock also being operated by its own individual key.
Mastic - A waterproof material used to seal cracks.
Meeting Stile - The vertical edge of a door or window, in a pair, which is adjacent to the other door or window. A parallel bevel meeting stile is one, which has a beveled edge paralleling the edge of the other door. A round (radius) stile is one having a rounded edge. A V-bevel meeting stile has edges that bevel in opposite direction, thus forming a "V".
Metallurgy - The science or technology of metals.
Millwork - Woodwork that has been finished (milled) in a milling plant.
Miter - A beveled cut.
Module - A standardized unit of measurement.
Mold - A form into which molten metal is poured to produce a casting.
Molding - Strips used for ornamentation.
Mop Plate - A narrow plate, similar to a kick plate, of sufficient height only to protect against the swish of the mop.
Mortar - A mixture of cement, sand and water used as a bonding agent by masons.
Mortise - An opening recess or cutout made to receive a lock or other hardware. Also the act of making such an opening.
Mortise Bolt - A bolt assembly designed to be mortised into a door (in opposition to being surface mounted).
Mortise Cylinder - See Cylinder.
Mortise Lock - A lock assembly designed to be mortised into the edge cut out in a door.
Mullion - A fixed or movable vertical member dividing a door opening.
Muntin - The small members that divide the glass in a window frame.
Niche - A small recess in the wall.
Nominal Size - The "name" by which lumber is identified and sold.
Non-Ferrous - Metals that do not contain iron.
Nosing - The rounded edge of a stair tread.
Offset Pivot - A special hanging device for heavy-duty doors, used on doors swinging one way only.
Olive Knuckle Hinge - A hinge with an oval-shaped single knuckle.
On Center - Measurement from the center of one member to the center of another.
Opening Size - The size of a doorframe opening, measured horizontally between jam rabbets and vertically between the head rabbet and the finished floor. The opening size is usually the nominal size and is equal to the actual door size plus clearances.
Organic Coating - A coating such as paint, lacquer, enamel or film in which the principal ingredients are derived from animal or vegetable matter or from some compound of carbon.
Outlet - An electric socket.
Overhang - The horizontal distance that a roof projects beyond a wall.
Overhead Concealed Closer - A closer in the frame header with an arm connecting to the door at the top rail.
Oxidation - The natural tendency of compounds to break down and return to their basic, original forms. This characteristic is both beneficial and detrimental in builders' hardware. Rust and corrosion and detrimental, destructive form of oxidation. On the other hand, a finish that darkens with use, i.e., oxidized bronze or copper's "patina" are examples of attractive, essentially non-destructive forms of oxidation.
Padlock - A small, portable lock consisting of a case containing a lock mechanism, a shackle or U-shaped bar that fastens into the lock case, and usually a key to open the locking mechanism.
Panel - A flat wood, metal or glass surface framed in either wood or metal.
Panel board - The center for controlling electrical circuits.
Panic Hardware - See Exit Device.
Parapet - The portion of a wall extended above the roof.
Paumelle Hinge - A style of hinge using a single, pivot-type knuckle. Generally modern, or streamlined design.
Penny - A term for the length of a nail, abbreviated "d". Originally, it meant the price per hundred nails (i.e. 8-penny-8 cents per hundred nails).
Penthouse - A housing above the roof for elevation machinery.
Physical Properties - Those properties of a material such as specific gravity or density, electrical and thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion, which serve to characterize and distinguish between different materials.
Piano Hinge - See Continuous Hinge.
Picking - The treatment of metal surfaces with a strong oxidizing agent such as nitric acid, to make them chemically clean and provide a strong, inert oxide film.
Pickling - The treatment of metal surfaces with a strong oxidizing agent such as nitric acid, to make them chemically clean and provide a strong, inert oxide film.
Pilaster - Specifically, an attached pier used to strengthen a wall.
Pin tumblers - Small sliding pins in a lock cylinder working against coil springs and preventing the cylinder plug from rotating until aligned by the baiting of the correct key.
Pitch - A term applied to the amount of a roof slope.
Pitting - Localized surface defects on metals, in the form of small depressions, or "pits."
Pivot-Reinforced Hinge - Butt hinge combined and interlocked with a pivot to increase shock load resistance.
Plain-Bearing - A standard hinge without ball, oil-impregnated or anti-friction bearings.
Plank - Lumber 2" or more in thickness.
Plug (of a lock cylinder) - The round part containing the keyway and rotated by the key to transit motion to the bolt, or other locking mechanism.
Plumb - Vertical.
Ply - The number of layers of roofing felt, plywood veneer or other materials.
Plywood - Wood made up of three or more layers of veneer bonded with glue.
Pocket Door - A sliding door that slides into the wall making it disappear from sight. Pocket doors are used in both residential and commercial applications and are regarded as upgrades and space savers.
Pocket Door Frame - A pocket doorframe is the hardware and structure needed to support the door, which slides into the wall. The frame also supplies the nailing surfaces for the drywall or other wall material hiding the door.
Pocket Door Guide - The plastic guides used to keep the [pocket door centered and from rubbing against the sides of the split jamb when the door is operated.
Pre-Assembled Lock - A lockset that has all the parts assembled as a unit at the factory. Requires little or no assembly for installation. Installs into a rectangular notch cut into the door edge.
Pre-Casting - A casting in a mold that is not located at its final position in the structure.
Primer - A liquid coating applied to a surface prior to application of one or more coats of paint or other applied finish.
Punching - The process of forcing a punch through metal into a die, forming an opening.
Push Plate - A plate placed on the surface of a door to protect it from wear and soiling, as a result of persons pushing the door open.
Quadrant (Dutch Door) - A device to fasten together the upper and the lower leaves of a Dutch door.
Quenching - The process of cooling heated metal by contact with a liquid, gas or solid, for purposes of hardening or tempering.
Rabbet - A term used to define that portion of a doorframe into which the door fits. Also a term used to describe the abutting edges of a pair of doors or windows so shaped as to provide a tight fit. One half of the edge projects beyond the other half, usually 1/2".
Rabbeted Lock (or Latch) - A lock whose front conforms to the rabbet on the edge of the door.
Rafter - A member in a roof framework running from the eaves in the ridge. There are hip rafters, jack rafters and valley rafters.
Rail - A full-thickness, horizontal structural member forming the top or bottom edge of a door or sash. May be located at an intermediate height in a door, separating panels or glazed area.
Rebar - Reinforcing bar.
Recapping - A total count and grouping by category, of all hardware.
Reinforced Concrete - Concrete containing more than 0.2 percent of reinforcing steel.
Removable Core Cylinder - A cylinder containing an easily removable core assembly, which incorporates the entire lumber mechanism including the plug, tumblers and separate shell. The cores normally are removable and interchangeable by use of a special key (called a "control key").
Removable Mullion - A mullion separating doors vertically within a doorframe. Required for the normal operation of doors by designed to permit its temporary removal so the entire width of the opening can be utilized.
Return - A molding turned back to the wall on which it is located.
Reveal (of a door frame) - That part of a back bend that projects out from the finished wall. Also, the dimension from the inside face of the door to the face of the frame at the side opposite from the direction of the door swing.
Reverse Bevel - A term used to designate the hand of a door when the door swings to the outside/key swing.
Rib - A raised ridge or fold formed in sheet metal to provide stiffness.
Rim - A term indicating articles of hardware designed for application to the surface of the door or frame.
Rim Cylinder - See Cylinder.
Riser - The vertical board of a step. It forms the front of the stair step.
Saddle - See Threshold.
Sash - A framing for windowpanes. A sash window is generally understood to be a double-hung, vertically sliding window.
Satin Finish - Builders' hardware that has been scoured with an abrasive to achieve a dull luster.
Scheduling Sequence - A proper and orderly listing of various hardware items for each door.
Schedule - A list of parts or components (such as a hardware schedule).
Scouring - The application of a fine abrasive to achieve a satin, or dull, finish. The abrasive may be applied by hand, wheel or belt.
Screwless Knob - A knob attached to a spindle by fastenings other than screws.
Section - An orthographic projection that has been cut apart to show interior features.
Shank (of a knob) - The projecting stem of a knob into which the spindle is fastened.
Shear Line - The interface between the plug and shell in a cylinder that is normally obstructed by the pin tumblers. The pins must be raised to the sear line by the correct key to allow the plug/key to turn.
Sheathing - The rough boarding on the outside of a wall or roof over which is laid the finished siding or the shingles.
Sherardized - A thin anti-corrosive coating of zinc to cover steel.
Shim - A piece of material used to true up or fill in the space between the two surfaces.
Shutter Hinge - A hinge designed to swing shutters.
Sidelight - The outside layer of boards on a frame wall.
Siding - The outside layer of boards on a frame wall.
Silencer - A small piece of resilient material attached to the stop on a doorframe to cushion the closing of the door.
Sill - The stone or wood member across the bottom of a door or window opening. Also the bottom member on which a building frame rests (sill plate).
Single-Rabbet Frame - A doorframe having only one rabbet.
Single-Acting Door - A door mounted to swing to only one side of the plane of its frame.
Sintering - The solidification and fusing of compressed powdered metal.
Sleeve - A tubular portion of the lock through which spindles extend and which provides a bearing surface for the knobs. On heavy-duty locks the sleeve provides the threaded member to which the roses are attached.
Sliding Door Pull - A pull that is either flush with the edge of the door or with the face of a sliding door.
Soffit - The under surface of the stop at the frame head. That portion of a doorframe between the rabbets on a double-rabbeted frame or between the rabbet and the outer edge of the frame on the stop side of a single-rabbeted frame. Sometimes referred to as the "stop width."
Spackle - To cover wallboard joints with plaster.
Span - The distance between structural supports (i.e., the length of a joist, rafter or other member).
Specifications - A written document that accompanies the working drawings, which sets forth standards for, the materials used in the construction of buildings. It also covers all conditions relating to that construction; labor, bidding, purchasing, payment, etc.
Spindle (of a knob) - The bar connecting the knobs or levers and passing through the hub of the lock for the purpose of transmitting the knob/lever action to the latchbolt.
Spinning - A process for shaping sheet metal. During the process a tool is pressed against the metal as it revolves.
Split Astragal - An astragal that is split through the middle, allowing each door leaf to operate independently.
Spraying - The process of coating materials with paint or clear lacquer by use of air pressure.
Spring Hinge - A hinge containing one or more springs to move the door into a closed position. It may be either singe-or double acting.
Stile - The vertical members of a door to which the lock and hinges are applied.
Stool - The wood shelf across the bottom and inside of a window. Also a water closet.
Stop (of a lock) - The buttons or other manual device to lock or unlock the outside knob or thumbpiece. A similar device in an auxiliary lock to keep the latchbolt retracted.
Story (Storey) - The space between two floors, or between a floor and the ceiling above.
Strap Hinge - A surface hinge of which both leaves are of considerable length.
Strike - A metal plate or box that is pierced or recessed to receive the bolt or latch of a loc. Sometimes called a "keeper."
Stud - The vertical member that forms the framework of a partition or wall.
Sub-floor - The rough flooring under the finish floor.
Surface Bolt - A rod or bolt mounted on the face of the inactive door of a pair to lock it to the frame and/or sill; operated manually. (8)
Surface Hinge - One having both leaves secured to the surface of the door and frame.
Swaging - A slight offset of the hinge leaves at the barrel, which permits the leaves to come closer together.
Swing - The direction of opening of a swinging door Synonymous with the "hand of a door."
Swivel Spindle - A spindle having a joint midway in its length to permit the knob at one end to be made rigid by the stop work, which the other end is free to operate.
T-Hinge - A surface hinge with the short member attached to the jamb and the long member attached to the door.
Tailpiece - The connecting link attached to the end of a rim cylinder, which transmits the rotary motion of the key through the door, into the locking mechanism.
Takeoff - The listing of openings and the appropriate hardware from a set of floor plans and door schedule.
Tee - A structural steel member in the shape of a "T".
Tempering - The process of heating metal, glass or other material to a temperature below the transformation stage, then cooling it at a controlled rate to change its hardness, strength, toughness or other property.
Template Hardware - Any item of hardware that is made to template, i.e., exactly matching the master template drawing as to spacing of all holes and dimensions.
Tensile Strength - Resistance to a force tending to tear the material apart.
Terrace - A raised flat space outdoors.
Thermal Stress - Stress within a material caused by temperature variations.
Throw - The distance that a deadbolt or latchbolt projects when in the locked position.
Translucent - Having the ability to transmit light but not a clear image.
Transom - A small window over a door.
Transparent - Having the ability to transmit clear images.
Tread - The horizontal part of a step.
Trim - A decorative member applied to the face of the doorjambs. Often used to cover or hide the joint between a doorframe and the adjacent wall surface. Also, decorative as well as functional components of a lockset, i.e., knob, rose or escutcheon. Also, decorative and/or functional components applied to a door to assist in its operation, i.e., push plates, pull plates, pulls, and kickplates.
Truss - A braced framework capable of spanning greater distances than the individual components.
Turnknob - A small knob usually crescent or oval shaped, with spindle attached, for operating the deadbolt o, f a mortise , , , , lock.
Unit Lock - See Pre-Assembled Lock.
Universal - A term used to describe a lock, door closer or other device that can be used on doors of either hand, without modification or change.
Utility Lock - Also called "cam locks." Used for a variety of locking purposes. They are identified by the flat metal piece extending from the lock barrel, which is the cam.
Vapor Barrier - A thin sheet used to prevent the passage of water vapor.
Veneer - A facing material not load-bearing
Vertical Schedule - A scheduling of "detailed" hardware for like openings.
Vestibule - A small lobby or entrance room.
Wall Tie - A metal piece connecting widths of masonry to each other or to other materials.
Wall - An exterior wall (a partition is an interior wall).
Waterproof - Material or construction that prevents the passage of water.
Weather-strip - Narrow strips made of metal, or other material, designed so that when installed at doors or windows it will retard the passage of air, moisture or dust around the door or window sash.
Weep Hole - An opening at the bottom of a wall to allow the drainage of moisture.
Wind Bracing - Bracing designed to resist horizontal and inclined forces.
Working Drawing - A drawing containing information for the workers.
Friday, July 18, 2008
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